network society, digital culture, digital socialization, digital literacy, stateAbstract
The article presents the theoretical articulation of digital socialization, describes the analytical intentions of a relatively new form of socialization processes in network society, circulating in domestic and foreign scientific discourse. Digital socialization is interpreted as the process of an individual's internalization of the norms, rules, practices and roles in network society, incorporation into the digital culture and externalization in the digital environment. The authors have identified personal and environmental parameters of digital socialization in Russia. They distinguished the role of the state as a key agent of secondary digital socialization in Russian society. The educational policy in the field of digital socialization of citizens is implemented in the framework of the priority projects "Modern Digital Educational Environment in Russian Federation", "Digital School", national program "Education Development", the subprogram "Personnel and Education" of national program "Digital Economy of Russian Federation".DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2019-2-5-16References
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