

Afghanistan, political system, state, tribal unions, tribes, kayum, khan


At present, Afghanistan is going through a rather special period of its development: through the efforts of international participants, there is being formed a political consensus between the opposing forces, a new state is being build, the aspects of introducing the institution of secularism in the country are being considered. Within this context, there are some thorny issues that can have an impact on the formation of a new political system of the state. All this, taken together, makes the topic under study relevant today.Among other things, the political system of Afghanistan is significantly affected by the preservation of tribal alliances. Therefore, it is important to study the role of tribes and tribal institutions in the political system of the country and the influence of these structures on the state and the formation of the political system.The state of Afghanistan and tribal unions (with about 400 of those existing in the country) are interpenetrating socio-political phenomena.At the moment, the political system of Afghanistan requires fundamental changes: the political situation in the country continues to be complex and tense, and the tendency to aggravate the situation in the country is strong. The search for a proper perspective in the development of the political system in Afghanistan, including through an effective interaction with tribal unions, is one of the factors in the settlement of the current situation.The research aims to study the role of tribes and tribal institutions in the political system of Afghanistan, the degree of their influence on the modern political system of the country.The article deals with the development of tribal unions in Afghanistan and the search for ways of their interaction with the state.DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2019-2-93-98

Author Biography

Амини Абдул Рахман / Abdul Rahman Amini, RUDN University

graduate student


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How to Cite

Abdul Rahman Amini А. А. Р. /. (2019). TRIBAL UNION STRUCTURES IN AFGHANISTAN AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON THE STATE AND FORMATION OF THE POLITICAL SYSTEM. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 13(2), 93–98. Retrieved from


