SCO University, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Central Asia, higher education, international ed-ucational projects, inter-university cooperationAbstract
The article analyzes the humanitarian vector of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization activities in the context of the University of Shanghai Cooperation Organization project (USCO). The authors, based on the case approach, assess the progress of the regulatory framework and the pace of practical implementation of the project. Potential opportunities, key problems and contradictions are revealed, and some solutions are proposed for increasing the effectiveness of the educational project in the SCO format. Special attention is paid to the deterrents in the development of the University network educational programs. The paper proposes short-term and medium-term solutions to improve the efficiency of cooperation in the field of higher education between the SCO member countries.The obtained results reveal a high strategic potential of the SCO network project both for the integration of the Eurasian educational space and for the intensification of interstate cooperation within the SCO. The SCO Network University has formed the legal basis for harmonizing the educational systems of the participating states; the first practical results in the preparation of undergraduates have been achieved. However, the authors note that the problems of drastic scaling of the project, the atmosphere of ongoing educational reforms, as well as the lack of project administration and intricate financing schemes generate negative trends in implementing educational programs of the SCO and significantly obstruct the development of the five-sided educational network project.DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2019-2-78-86References
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