state power, non-systemic opposition, securitization, enemification, hate speech, image of enemy, oc-cupant, traitorAbstract
The article deals with the special aspects of creating enemy images in Russia in the period of the socio-political crisis caused by the 2011/2012 elections. Since 2011, securitization of socio-political space became a key strategy of Russia’s domestic policy and the official rhetoric acquired a conservative national discourse. The change in the depoliticization strategy has led to the redetermination of the key actors in power relations. The most extreme forms of enemification in modern Russia’s socio-political discourse turned to be militaristic and can be reduced to two main concepts: ‘traitor’ and ‘occupant’.The restriction of the political space inevitably leads to intensifying ‘aggressive rhetoric’ in the political discourse. In this case, those excluded have to pursue controversial policies. On the one hand, the excluded part tries to return to the political space. On the other hand, it implements a counterstrategy of securitization built around the concept of occupation.Enemification strategies in modern Russia are closely connected with memory practices. The Great Patriotic War is supposed to be in the center of social memory and such words as ‘occupant’ or ‘traitor’ are identified with Nazism and, therefore, have extremely negative connotations.The process of enemification in modern Russia’s socio-political discourse can be examined from different points of view. Firstly, enemification is an important part of the nation-building and self-determination of any political community. Secondly, militarization of discourse indicates special cultural aspects of Russia’s social memory. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2019-2-17-26References
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