

authoritarianism, hybrid regimes, media, censor's dilemma, competitive authori-tarianism, authoritarian consolidation, political agenda


The paper is focused on describing and systematizing the approaches in Russian and foreign academic literature to assessing the role of the media in supporting authoritarian regimes. There is a widespread opinion that independent media play the role of ‘shop windows’, which are demonstrated as evidence of press freedom in the country, and, correspondingly, fulfillment of one of the formal conditions for the existence of democracy according to Robert Dahl. In addition to that, authoritarian leaders often invent some other ways to use the media, including gathering information about the real situation in regions, getting feedback on implementation of policies, strengthening bureaucratic control over local officials, assessing the quality of  formal institutions at the regional level, and maintaining intra-elite struggle, which ultimately helps to demonstrate the dominance of the ‘winning coalition’ and, as a result, increases the power of incumbents. However, this tactic also carries some threats, defined as the ‘censor's dilemma’. The censors should determine a sufficient level of pressure on the media, which, on the one hand, would assist in fulfilling these tasks and, on the other hand, would not lead to an increase in opposition sentiments. The article aims to provide a further set of arguments to prove that the media in authoritarian regimes are not always ‘spoiled institutions’ as they used to be perceived, but they function as a full-fledged tool for the survival of undemocratic leaders. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2019-1-83-89

Author Biography

Валерий Нечай / Valeriy Nechai, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Saint Petersburg)

postgraduate student


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How to Cite

Valeriy Nechai В. Н. /. (2019). NOT JUST SINGLE PROPAGANDA: HOW THE MEDIA HELP AUTOCRATS TO SURVIVE. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 13(1), 83–89. Retrieved from


