language policy, preferences, Tatars, structural factors, multiethnic regionsAbstract
One of the dimensions of debates on language preferential policy factors is discussion on the role of structural factors. The main idea of this article is to reveal the configuration of structural factors and to value the «weight” of each of them the level of economic development of a region, the absolute and relative size of an ethnic group, the size of a landfill, the consolidation of an ethnic group, geographical distance from the center, etc. The author has identified and explained the configuration of structural factors that impact on the scale of language preferential policies. The author considers the language policy through the prism of the main existing theories, on the basis of the analysis of the research literature reveals and describes approaches to explaining a set of factors that influence the directions and types of language preferential policies, author also gives a description of language preferential policies implemented by Tatarstan in respect of the Tatar language both in the region and beyond. Statistical methods reveal the relationship between the structural characteristics of a region and the scale of implementation of language preferential policies with respect to the Tatar language in the regions represented by the example of the education system. As a result, it was concluded that the spatial characteristics of a region are multidirectional and they affect language preferential policies to a large extent. The empirical base of the article is the statistical data collected in the database prepared within the project: "Language regimes in modern Russia: effects of language preferential policies in multi-ethnic regions” (RFBR project No. 18-011-00763 \ 18). A special tool for data processing is a quantitative method of indexation which is presented by regression analysis.DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2019-1-59-67References
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