political communication, electronic communication, migration policy, Twitter, in-tertextuality, hashtagAbstract
The topicality of the research is explained by the growing popularity of social networking sites as a channel of political communication. Modern elements of intertextuality, such as hashtags, retweets, @ sign, ensure participation of a large number of users in discussing certain political topics. They give the possibility to quickly track public's reaction to political events. Employing the methods of computer linguistics, the paper analyzes the elements of intertextuality in reactions of English-speaking users of Twitter to the introduction of Executive Order 13769, known in the media space as the ‘travel ban’. The study found that the hashtag is the most popular element of intertextuality actively used to popularize the opinion and to involve a wide range of people into discussions. In addition, thematic grouping of hashtags allowed us to identify the opposite reactions of users and to assume that it is possible to control the route of the debate with the help of hashtags. To attract attention of the maximum number of users, hashtags must also be single-component and act as subjects, marking the topic of the message. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2019-1-47-58References
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