competition for the election of the head, resource potential of municipal units, balanced local budget, financial autonomy of local government, inter-elite rela-tionship, competition, conflictnessAbstract
The article reveals how resource potential of municipalities influence the process of municipal heads election in course of competition. After its introduction into federal legislation, the new way of recruiting municipal heads became widespread in most regions of the Russian Federation, including Perm Krai. Analysis of implementation of the so-called ‘competitive model’ in the region reveals distinctions between different municipalities connected with the configuration of local and regional elites, the degree of political actors’ interest, procedural rules, etc. All of this is estimated by the criteria of competitiveness and conflictness. The author compares the political typology of competitions by these criteria with the resource potential of municipalities (index of local budgets balance) and proposes a hypothesis about the prevalence of conflict and competitive elections of heads in ‘rich’ territories and, on the contrary, noncompetitive and non-conflict campaigns in ‘poor’ ones. The research results confirm this assumption, first of all, for the groups of municipalities with lower and ‘average’ resource potential. In ‘rich’ municipalities, the relationship between the resource potential and the character of campaigns is manifested in a different way: a wide resource base of the territory forms a higher internal potential for competition and conflicts, and therefore is of particular interest to regional authorities, who plan the competition scenario in advance and control its execution. DOI:
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