

Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Muslim Brotherhood, Shia, Sunni, Wahabi


The article discusses the factor of religious disagreements between the member states of the Cooperation Council of the Arab States of the Persian Gulf (GCC) in the context of differing foreign policy programs and aspirations of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.The work uses both general scientific methods and special methods of political science and history. The civilizational approach made it possible to explain the role of Islam in the political process of the Gulf countries. The elitist approach allowed us to consider the political elites of the states as independent social groups with influence and authority in making key political decisions and implementing their own corporate interest and corporate thinking.The religious factor of the Qatari-Saudi contradictions, including disputes over the ideological and religious heritage of Muhammad Abdel Wahhab, is highlighted. The author argues that the main reason for the political confrontation in the Persian Gulf is not only the support for the Muslim Brotherhood movement from the Qatari leadership, but also various trends in political Islam, which led to ideological conflicts within the Sunni world. The facts of cooperation between the Gulf countries are analyzed, the evolution of relations between them is considered in a complex of cultural, historical, political and religious conditions, in the context of general changes in the international situation at present. The author draws a conclusion about the role of the religious factor in the development of the political crisis in the Persian Gulf. Qatar and Turkey have chosen to rely on the populist ‘rising’ Sunni Islam of the Muslim Brothers, seeking to legitimize their power through democratic elections. Saudi Arabia is an antithesis to the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood, making Wahhabism a partner in supporting its rule and seeking to spread this interpretation throughout the Muslim world. The United Arab Emirates, as an ally of Saudi Arabia, is the third trend in political Islam because it has no ambition to spread Islam beyond its borders. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2018-4-182-194

Author Biography

Мазин Саид Аль-Макбали / Al-Maqbali Mazin Said, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

postgraduate Student, Department of Comparative Political Science


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الغتممحمدبنجاسم،جلالمحمدنعمان: نظرةإستراتيجيةعلىمملكةالبحرينوالمنطقةالعربيةفيإطاردولي - الكتابالخامس - .

المنامة: مركزالبحرينللدراساتوالبحوث،٢٠٠٨ - ٤١٣صالهواجسالإيرانيةبشأنالتواجدالمصريفيالخليج - القبس - دارالقبسللصحافةوالطباعةو .



How to Cite

Al-Maqbali Mazin Said М. С. А.-М. /. (2019). THE RELIGIOUS FACTOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE POLITI-CAL CRISIS IN THE PERSIAN GULF. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 12(4), 182–194. Retrieved from