anthropological approach, international political communication, international relations expert, postmodernity, professionalization of political communicationAbstract
Today, when political science focuses predominately on institutional challenges, mainstreaming of anthropological aspects cannot go unmentioned. At the same time, there is practically no anthropological conceptualization of international political communication. Specifically, the anthropological perspective of international political communication is an alternative to conventional exploratory approaches used in communicology. It allows one to analyze communication effectiveness through the prism of the world political process and its realities, such as political decision-making, development of foreign policy projects, creating public awareness of the worldwide audience, peacekeeping activities, traditional and public diplomacy.The professionalization of international political communication is one of the principal postmodern aspects. Consequently, the role of a person in the international political communication system is determined by the professional expertise, knowledge and skills required for achieving political goals in the global space. The author proposes a framework identifying the role of an international relations expert in providing effective international political communication. Its elements include culture broker, analyst, intellectual (social and cultural profile); technical advisor, media expert, communication manager (information and communication profile); strategist, mediator between official and unofficial diplomacy, peacemaker (international and political profile).It is argued that the present study does not take full advantage of the anthropological approach in exploring the human dimension of international political communication but brings us closer to a comprehensive insight into the place and role of the individual in modern political and social space. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2018-4-166-181References
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