
  • Дарья Моисеева / Dariya Moiseeva Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Rela-tions, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO RAS)


organizational field, institutional isomorphism, organizational theory, interna-tional organizations, European Union, parallel representation, global governance


Cooperation with international organizations and regimes is an integral part of the European Union’s foreign policy. The purpose of the article is to systematize the reader’s perception of the EU’s relations with international organizations at present. The author relies on the organizational theory and, following that, introduces the concepts ‘organizational field’ and ‘institutional isomorphism’, as applied to the EU’s relations with international organizations. Based on the analysis, the author developed a typology of the EU’s relations with international organizations. A key feature in building the typology was the EU’s status in international organizations, which varies from full membership with the right to vote to the absence of any formal status. In total, there were identified five possible scenarios for the development of the EU’s relations with international organizations. It was discovered that the main obstacle to cooperation between them is the Bretton Woods nature of most modern international organizations and, as a result, their focus on working with sovereign states. The article also describes such a phenomenon of international relations as parallel representation – a situation when both the EU itself and its member states are full members of the organization. The developed typology not only systematizes the actual knowledge of the subject and explains the reasons why cooperation develops in different ways, but also confirms the cognitive potential of the organizational theory in analyzing the EU’s actions in the international arena. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2018-4-153-165

Author Biography

Дарья Моисеева / Dariya Moiseeva, Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Rela-tions, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO RAS)

candidate of Political Sciences, researcher


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How to Cite

Dariya Moiseeva Д. М. /. (2019). THE EUROPEAN UNION’S COOPERATION WITH INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF ORGANIZATIONAL THEO-RY. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 12(4), 153–165. Retrieved from