

human Rights, ombudsman institution, expertise, non-profit organizations, hu-manitarian expertise, boundary organizations, good governance, expert partiсipa-tion, policy formation


The article examines the opportunities for expert participation in policy formation within cooperation with regional ombudsman institution in modern Russia. The analysis is based on the analysis of three Russian regions: St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk Region and Perm Krai. A distinctive feature of such method of expert participation is its initiative approach. Experts suggest their expertise without any governmental request. They themselves hold responsibility for their recommendations and the results of decisions taken upon their recommendations. The consistency of these recommendations with the social, cultural contexts and the real needs of people is also important for these experts. Since such an initiative participation is not institutionalized, the question arises: how authorities react on recommendations received in such a way? Are experts able to influence the agenda in conditions of limited pluralism in modern Russia? Since the regional ombudsman institution can act as a moderator or boundary organization between experts, society and authorities and support expert recommendations in his activities, this article attempts to analyze and structure practices of performing this functions by the ombudsmen.The article is based on research carried out in accordance with the grounded theory methodology, which enables us to derive inductively the theory from empirical data about the processes that is being studied. Since the center of the grounded theory methodology, as well as the focus of our attention is the study, is processes, this method of theorizing is the most acceptable for this research field. The empirical basis for the research is expert semi-structured interviews with actors, involved in the interaction processes, legal acts, special and annual reports of ombudsmen and regional public chambers, as well as data obtained through overt observation.The analysis of practices of interaction between experts, human rights commissioners and authorities, provided us with an opportunity to develop specific models of interaction of experts and authorities with the involvement of human rights commissioners. Main conditions, possibilities and limitations for the influence of experts on policy formation were identified and outlined. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/2218-1067-2018-4-91-105

Author Biography

Екатерина Павлова / Ekaterina Pavlova, National Research University Higher School of Economics (StPetersburg)

post-graduate student of the Department of applied Political science


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How to Cite

Ekaterina Pavlova Е. П. /. (2019). OPPORTUNITIES FOR EXPERT PARTICIPATION IN POLICY FORMULATION WITHIN COOPERATION WITH THE REGIONAL OMBUDSMEN: THE EXPERIENCE OF PERM KRAI, ST. PETERBURG AND SVERDLOVSK REGION. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 12(4), 91–105. Retrieved from http://press.psu.ru/index.php/polit/article/view/2071