

ethno-regional party, ethnofederalism, party system, ethno-regional autonomy, fragmentation, volatility, secessionism


At present, both in political science and in politics, the attitude towards the phenomenon of ethno-regional parties remains quite controversial. On the one hand, it is believed that ethno-regional parties, being the main indicator of secessionist sentiments, make it possible for the central government to form a stable system of interaction with ethnic regions. On the other hand, there is an opinion that ethno-regional parties, on the contrary, produce secessionist processes. In either case, the phenomenon remains relevant for today. In the article, the author makes an attempt to rethink the phenomenon of ethno-regional parties with the help of the quantitative analysis. The research is focused on testing the influence of the following parameters of party systems on the stability of ethnofederalism: fragmentation and volatility of party systems in ethno-regional autonomies, the share of ethno-regional parties in those, their nature, and fragmentation of ethno-regional parties. The influence of these variables on the stability of ethnofederalism was confirmed by a statistically significant coefficient. The study found that the stability of the political system depends not so much on the presence or absence of ethno-regional parties but rather on their configuration within the regional party system. DOI:

Author Biography

Мария Исобчук / Mariya Isobchuk, Perm State University

I year student of the master's degree, direction "Political Science" of the faculty of History and Political science


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How to Cite

Mariya Isobchuk М. И. /. (2019). INFLUENCE OF ETHNO-REGIONAL PARTIES ON STABILITY OF ETHNOFEDERALISM. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 12(4), 78–90. Retrieved from