

institutional inertia, path dependence, social policy, modernization, third sector, interest groups


The article provides a theoretical review of institutional inertia and the conditions for its emergence through the example of Russian social policy. Although the process of inertia is natural, research debates concerning its reasons are still ongoing. The review systematizes the approaches to the notion of institutional inertia and the conditions for its occurrence. In the first part, the description and interrelation of the concepts of institutional inertia and ‘path dependence’ are presented. Then, approaches to the notion of modernization, changes in public values, the context of authoritarian modernization, and interest groups are described. In conclusion, the author offers positive and negative explanations for the emergence of institutional inertia in Russia's social policy. The positive assumption justifies inertia with the necessity to partially resolve or postpone the solution of the problem, due to the lack of successful and elaborate solutions on certain issues. The negative explanation justifies the unwillingness of state authorities, elites and interest groups to redistribute economic resources and to improve institutions to solve problems. DOI:

Author Biography

Александр Бугровский / Aleksandr Bugrovskii, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Saint-Petersburg)

post-graduate student of the Department of applied Political science


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How to Cite

Aleksandr Bugrovskii А. Б. /. (2019). INSTITUTIONAL INERTIA IN THE SPHERE OF SOCIAL POLICY AND CONDITIONS FOR ITS RENEWAL IN RUSSIA: REVIEW OF RESEARCH LITERATURE. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 12(4), 51–61. Retrieved from