The problems of ranking and identifying monarchist organizations in internal structure of the system of monarchist movements


  • Николай Станищук / Nikolay Stanichuk Tumen State University


monarchism, democracy, forms of governance, monarchist movements


Monarchists Organization is insufficiently studied by modern political science, but they have a prominent position in a Russian political field. The Author makes a try to create a methodology for ranking monarchist organizations. Author focuses on the problem of internal structure of the system of monarchist movementsDOI:

Author Biography

Николай Станищук / Nikolay Stanichuk, Tumen State University

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Nikolay Stanichuk Н. С. /. (2018). The problems of ranking and identifying monarchist organizations in internal structure of the system of monarchist movements. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (1), 150–156. Retrieved from