Russian state youth policy in the transformation world political, geo-economic and geo-cultural landscape in the 21st century


  • Николай Самохвалов / Nikolay Samohvalov Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities


youth, state youth policy, challenges and threats to the state youth policy


Current geopolitical trends leave their mark on any state of the world community, especially the Russian Federation. In connection with the foregoing, foreign and domestic policy of the Russian state should be subject to constant modernization process in order to effectively respond to modern challenges and threats in the political space. In such circumstances is particularly important to build an effective mechanism for the implementation of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation, as the youth is a real force capable of directly taking part in the construction of political and legal landscape and act as the main indicator of economic, social, political and other processes carried out in modern Russian societyDOI:

Author Biography

Николай Самохвалов / Nikolay Samohvalov, Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities

Graduate student


Belokonev S.Y. A system of measures to improve the efficiency of state youth policy// [Electronic resource]. URL: (Date of application: 12.01.15). (In Rus.).

Putin V.V. Speech by President of the Russian Federation at the First meeting of the Organizing Committee for the Year of Youth in Russia February 19, 2009// [Electronic resource]. URL: (Date of application: 25.01.15). (In Rus.).

Report of the Federal Agency for Youth "Youth of Russia 2000-2025: the development of human capital" [Electronic resource]: URL: (Date of application: 5.01.15). (In Rus.).

Help for the meeting of the board of the Russian Ministry June 18, 2013 "On measures to improve the implementation of state youth policy in the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]. URL: http://minobrnauki.rf (Date of application: 31.01.15). (In Rus.).

The size and composition of the population: the official data of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) [Electronic resource]. URL: http:// rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/population (Date of application: 14.01.15). (In Rus.).



How to Cite

Nikolay Samohvalov Н. С. /. (2018). Russian state youth policy in the transformation world political, geo-economic and geo-cultural landscape in the 21st century. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (2), 155–164. Retrieved from