Forming of the system of the strong innovation universities as a catalyst of the innovation state development


  • Елена Данилова / Elena Danilova National research Tomsk state university


innovation development, innovation universities, innovation instrument, positioning of innovations


An innovation education environment and a forming of the system of the innovation universities are a key condition of the optimization for an innovation economy formation. In the article the principle state measures for fixation of the system of the strong innovation universities for an intensification of the innovation processes are analyzed. The two main functions of the universities are researched: a personnel training for a formation of the innovation generation and an ensuring of the issue of the knowledge-intensive production due to a research-andproduction cooperation with the industry enterprises. Besides, universities are viewed as a significant instrument for a state innovation positioning on the domestic and international sceneDOI:

Author Biography

Елена Данилова / Elena Danilova, National research Tomsk state university

Doctoral candidate, Philosophy faculty/analyst


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How to Cite

Elena Danilova Е. Д. /. (2018). Forming of the system of the strong innovation universities as a catalyst of the innovation state development. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (2), 146–154. Retrieved from