Discussions about Basic Principles of All-Russian Constituent Assembly Formation during the Civil War


  • Гульсина Селянинова / Gulsina Selyaninova Perm National Research Polytechnic University


legislature, elections, electoral rights of citizens, electoral districts


The article is devoted to the development of electoral system, and the preparation of the Constituent Assembly elections and elections of other representative bodies. These issues were discussed by the Special Commission, established in 1919 in Omsk during the Kolchak regime. Debates focused on such problems as districts magnitude, the choice between direct and indirect voting as well as between equal and class representation. The issues of organization of elections were also importantDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/2218-1067-2015-2-139-145

Author Biography

Гульсина Селянинова / Gulsina Selyaninova, Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Gulsina Selyaninova Г. С. /. (2018). Discussions about Basic Principles of All-Russian Constituent Assembly Formation during the Civil War. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (2), 139–145. Retrieved from http://press.psu.ru/index.php/polit/article/view/1949