Formation of the social-constructive approaches on social movements last third of 20th century


  • Илья Хлебников / Ilya Khlebnikov The Udmurt State University


social movements, theories, paradigms, change of views


The article is concern with theoretical paradigms of past and present in explaining rise and decline of social movements. The major theories set out to social and economic terms have been re-evaluated. New approaches are emerged and point up the subjective aspects of individual interactions. The diverse between the old and new approaches seems to be unbridgeable. The article shows how the different theoretical views can be related. Is it possible to integrate them into a single theoretical framework?DOI:

Author Biography

Илья Хлебников / Ilya Khlebnikov, The Udmurt State University

Senior lecture


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How to Cite

Ilya Khlebnikov И. Х. /. (2018). Formation of the social-constructive approaches on social movements last third of 20th century. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (2), 107–127. Retrieved from