Russia, Poland, the West: a factor analysis of relations


  • Дарья Звягина/ Daria Zvyagina Institute of Contemporary International Studies Diplomatic Academy


Russia, Poland, the Ukrainian crisis, the EU and NATO integration


In an effort to increase its role in the integration structures and alliances of the West, Poland actively participates in all endeavors of the EU and NATO. However, the trend of recent years shows that Poland has chosen a very precarious position - the first barrier in front of the West "Russian threat." The article discusses the role of Poland in the formation of relations between Russia and the EU, Russia and NATO. Author use a multivariate analysis of the Polish strategy and expectations in western Poland integration associations. It is concluded that as the impact of Poland's modern European processes and how can it harm the national interests of RussiaDOI:

Author Biography

Дарья Звягина/ Daria Zvyagina, Institute of Contemporary International Studies Diplomatic Academy

Senior research assistant


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How to Cite

Daria Zvyagina Д. З. (2018). Russia, Poland, the West: a factor analysis of relations. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (2), 18–24. Retrieved from