The risks of large-scale immigration for Russia’s political and economic development



Russian Federation, 21st century, political development, migration processes, social and political risks


The article is devoted to immigration processes in Russia in the 21st century. Immigration processes are defined as one of the leading factors of political and economic development of the Russian Federation. The author examines the possible influence of migration flows on socio-political processes in the country, including sociopolitical stability, ethno-political and social development, national securityDOI:

Author Biography

Василь Сакаев / Vasil Sakaev, Kazan Federal University

Associate Professor, Doctoral Student


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How to Cite

Vasil Sakaev В. С. /. (2018). The risks of large-scale immigration for Russia’s political and economic development. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (4), 159–174. Retrieved from