The Local level in the matrix of territorial identity of Perm region’s residents



local identity, symbolic politics, brand, social well-being, conflict of identity, town, Perm region


The article analyzes the features of actualization of local identity in the Perm region. The following indicators are proposed for the local identity analysis: selfidentification with the territory; clear identification of the town’s specificity in the context of other towns; comprehension of the territory’s special status in the regional space; prominent local patriotism; presence of a local brand or a vector of positioning the town; low migration balance and high level of satisfaction with the local authorities and quality of life. Based on these indicators, core characteristics of the local identity for Dobryanka, Cherdyn, Alexandrovsk, Kudymkar, Lysva are definedDOI:

Author Biographies

Мария Назукина/ Mariya Nazukina, Perm State University Perm Scientific Center of the Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Researcher, Senior Lecturer

Регина Петрова/ Regina Petrova, Perm State University Perm Scientific Center of the Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Senior Research Assistant, Assistant


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How to Cite

Mariya Nazukina М. Н., & Regina Petrova Р. П. (2018). The Local level in the matrix of territorial identity of Perm region’s residents. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (4), 127–142. Retrieved from