Competition of municipalities for the state resource and policy of regional authorities in Perm Krai (a case study of Inter-budget Transfers)



«competitive strategies», interaction between regional authorities and municipalities, inter-budget transfers


 The article examines «competitive strategies» of the regional authorities concerning local governments of Perm Krai when distributing inter-budget transfers. The study is based on the data of distribution of some inter-budget transfers among the municipalities in 2007-2013 and a series of interviews with regional and local officials. The competitive strategies are implemented through the formal rules determined by the regional authorities, and also with the use of informal practices. They are in demand by both poor and wealthy municipalities, however the latter have higher chances to win. Nevertheless, poor municipalities find ways to solve problems by means of personal contact and arrangementsDOI:

Author Biography

Анна Зуйкина/ Anna Zuikina, Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Associate Professor, Department of State Administration and History


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How to Cite

Anna Zuikina А. З. (2018). Competition of municipalities for the state resource and policy of regional authorities in Perm Krai (a case study of Inter-budget Transfers). Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (4), 66–80. Retrieved from