Nationalism and Revo.l ution: The Case of Ireland


  • Кузнецова Александра / Kuznetsova Alexsandra Kazan National Research Technological University


Irish nationalism, revolutionary nationalism


The article examines various stages of mutual development and interaction of nationalism and revolution in Ireland. From its very origin, Irish nationalism has been ignoring common European tendencies and uniquely combining revolutionary and conservative values. The author concludes that the peculiarities of the combination of nationalism and revolution in Ireland can be explained by the colonial paradoxDOI:

Author Biography

Кузнецова Александра / Kuznetsova Alexsandra, Kazan National Research Technological University

Senior Lecturer, Department of Social and Political Conflict Resolution Studies


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How to Cite

Kuznetsova Alexsandra К. А. /. (2018). Nationalism and Revo.l ution: The Case of Ireland. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (3), 51–65. Retrieved from