Conceptualization of Power: Dialectic of Sectional and Non-Sectional Traditions


  • Михаил Грабевник/ Mikhail Grabevnik Perm State University


sectional and non-sectional approaches to the concept of power, power as interaction, dialectic


This article describes the formation processes and main features of the sectional and non-sectional approaches to the concept of power. The focus is on characteristics of the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Basing on those, the main trends and expected vectors in the development of the conceptual analysis of power are determined. The author stresses that there is a dialectic link between sectional and non-sectional traditions, which allows for smoothing conceptual problems and emphasizing the advantages of both approaches to the concept of power DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2016-1-153-165

Author Biography

Михаил Грабевник/ Mikhail Grabevnik, Perm State University

Student of Political Science Master Program


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How to Cite

Mikhail Grabevnik М. Г. (2018). Conceptualization of Power: Dialectic of Sectional and Non-Sectional Traditions. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (1), 153–165. Retrieved from