Germany’s cultural and educational policy abroad and development of Germany "soft power"


  • Андрей Девятков/ Andrey Devyatkov Tyumen State University
  • Ксения Кушнир/ Ksenia Kushnir Tyumen State Academy of Culture, Arts, and Social Technologies


cultural policy, education, strategy concept, cultural representation, fellowships, exchanges, preservation of cultural heritage


The article analyzes the conceptual basis, instruments, financial resources and key regional and thematic priorities of Germany’s cultural and educational policy abroad, which is recognized by German authorities as one of the main tools of the country’s foreign policy, along with classical and economic diplomacy. The authors come to the conclusion that the German model of soft power in the sphere of culture and education is adequate to modern challenges in terms of both strategic planning and institutional resources and it helps Germany to succeed in accomplishing a complex of substantial aims. Among these are formation of a system of strategic partnerships, mutual understanding with the world’s key power centers, strengthening the country’s status as an innovative and educational power, and development of intercultural dialogue in order to prevent and resolve conflicts DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2016-2-120-139

Author Biographies

Андрей Девятков/ Andrey Devyatkov, Tyumen State University

Researcher at the Laboratory for Historical Geography and Regionalistics

Ксения Кушнир/ Ksenia Kushnir, Tyumen State Academy of Culture, Arts, and Social Technologies

Postgraduate Student


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How to Cite

Andrey Devyatkov А. Д., & Ksenia Kushnir К. К. (2018). Germany’s cultural and educational policy abroad and development of Germany "soft power". Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (2), 120–139. Retrieved from