International armed conflicts and ways of their settlement: methodological aspects of studying the issue



international armed conflict, methodology, political settlement of armed conflicts, Middle East, conflict management, models of psychological reso-lution of conflicts, cultural and civilizational models of conflict management, information and political ap


The article focuses on methodological problems of studying political settlement of armed conflicts in the Middle East. Since methodology of studying international armed conflicts settlement is under development and taking into account the modern conflicts in the Middle East, arisen after the events of the Arab Spring, the problem of revealing the most effective applied methods for political settlement of international conflicts is currently important. Although this problem is underexplored, the constructivist approach, information-political approach and cultural-civilizational methods of conflict management appear to be the most efficient in respect of considering regional specifics, so they may be used as a basis for further development of the most promising methods for political settlement of international conflicts in the region DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2016-3-104-119

Author Biography

Александр Семенюк/ Alexander Semenuk, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Рostgraduate Student


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How to Cite

Alexander Semenuk А. С. (2018). International armed conflicts and ways of their settlement: methodological aspects of studying the issue. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (3), 104–119. Retrieved from