Confrontation and contingency as concepts of politics


  • Андрей Ковалев/ Andrey Kovalev North-West Institute of Menegement


politics as confrontation, politics as governing, politics as contingency, politicization/depoliticization


The article considers three fundamental concepts of the political: politics as governing, as confrontation, and as contingency. The author argues that the shared exemplars of politics as contingency and of the political, as well as the symbolic generalization “politicization/depoliticization” are interrelated and characterize the paradigm of the political in reflexive ModernityDOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2016-3-37-47

Author Biography

Андрей Ковалев/ Andrey Kovalev, North-West Institute of Menegement

Candidate of Political Sciences


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How to Cite

Andrey Kovalev А. К. (2018). Confrontation and contingency as concepts of politics. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (3), 37–47. Retrieved from