Liberal democracy as a result of the Christian society development


  • Максим Богачёв/ Maxim Bogachev National Research University Hither School of Economics, Moscow


Christianity, church, power, policy, empire, state nation, legitimacy, liberal democracy


Article is devoted to search of the key moment for formation of liberal democracy. From the point of view of the author, that is adoption of Christianity by Rome as the state religion. The author analyzes a retrospective of relationship of the empire as forms of political education (institutional system) and Christianity as means of legitimization of the power (valuable system). Christianity has the institute of church which is alternative institutional system. The coexistence of the empire and Christianity led to emergence political autonomism, which generated new forms of political formations. New form created new valuable system for his legitimization (began to use the public contract), which transformed a source of the sacral – from the governor and god to the peopleDOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2016-3-20-36

Author Biography

Максим Богачёв/ Maxim Bogachev, National Research University Hither School of Economics, Moscow



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How to Cite

Maxim Bogachev М. Б. (2018). Liberal democracy as a result of the Christian society development. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (3), 20–36. Retrieved from