Influence of the Constitutional Design on Longevity of Single-Party Dominance


  • Александр Порошин Alexander Poroshin National Research University Higher School of Economics


dominant party, constitutional design, parliamentarism, presidentialism


The article considers the question of the constitutional design influence on longevity of single-party dominance. Depending on the way the authorities are formed, regimes are divided into two categories – parliamentary and presidential. Based on studying theoretical prerequisites concerning differences between parliamentarism and presidentialism in terms of the influence of a dominant party on election results, ideological identification of power and opposition, complexities in organizing electoral campaigns, the author suggests a hypothesis that parliamentary regimes are more durable. However, one-way ANOVA test has shown no statistically significant differences between parliamentary and presidential regimes in durability of single-party dominance.DOI:

Author Biography

Александр Порошин Alexander Poroshin, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Postgraduate student, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences,


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How to Cite

Alexander Poroshin А. П. (2018). Influence of the Constitutional Design on Longevity of Single-Party Dominance. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (1), 87–97. Retrieved from