Regional System Stability through the Balance Homeostat: a Case Study of Central Asia


  • Елена Гулина / Elena Gulina Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Moscow)


system, adaptiveness, homeostatic, stability, balance homeostat, bridge schemes


The article considers issues of homeostatic theory application to international relations for the creation of a regional systems’ security and stable development model based on the link between two actors of the system, the Russian-Chinese interaction in Central Asia being a case study.DOI:

Author Biography

Елена Гулина / Elena Gulina, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Moscow)

Postgraduate Student, Department of National Security


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How to Cite

Elena Gulina Е. Г. /. (2018). Regional System Stability through the Balance Homeostat: a Case Study of Central Asia. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (1), 54–62. Retrieved from