Information Functions of a President as a Political Leader


  • Валентина Кнурова / Valentina Knurova Astrakhan State University


presidential leadership, president, information functions, rhetoric, strategy


The article explains the necessity of revealing and following study of information functions performed by a modern president. Having analyzed the roles played by the head of the state as a national leader, the author identifies news, program, ideological, articulatory, consolidating functions, as well as those of self-presentation and persuasion. The dominant use of particular information functions may influence working out both information strategies and individual styles of presidential political leadership.DOI:

Author Biography

Валентина Кнурова / Valentina Knurova, Astrakhan State University

Associate Professor, Department of Theory and History of State and Law


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How to Cite

Valentina Knurova В. К. /. (2018). Information Functions of a President as a Political Leader. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (1), 46–53. Retrieved from