Review of the monograph: “The depths of Russia. Oil, power, and culture after socialism” by Rogers Douglas


  • Борис Поварницын / Boris Povarnitsyn Perm National Research Polytechnic University


oil industry, Perm region, Lukoil company, social responsibility of business, business-power partnership


The articlepresents a review of the monographnamed in the title. The main content of the book under review is shortly presented. Methodological approaches of the monograph’s author as well as his conclusions are the subject of the reviewer’s foremost attention. According to the reviewer, the book makes it possible to clarify the processes of post-Soviet changes both in economy and in politics by the exam-ple of the relations between a big regional company – Lukoil-Perm – and Perm re-gional authorities. It is noted that the processes described do not always fit the most common schemes.DOI:

Author Biography

Борис Поварницын / Boris Povarnitsyn, Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Professor, Department of Public Administration and History


Rogers DouglasThe depths of Russia. Oil, power, and culture after socialism. Ithaca: CornellUniversityPress, 2015. 370p.



How to Cite

Boris Povarnitsyn Б. П. /. (2018). Review of the monograph: “The depths of Russia. Oil, power, and culture after socialism” by Rogers Douglas. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (2), 179–185. Retrieved from