Self-determination of Catalonia in programs of political parties


  • Юлия Фролова / Yulia Frolova Saint-Peterburg State University


right of nations to self-determination, Catalonia, independence, autonomy, political parties


The article analyzes the right of nations to self-determination in programs of the Catalan parties. Nowadays, the movement in support of the right of nations to self-determination is popular in Catalonia, especially in the framework of the Septem-ber 2015 referendum. The Catalan political forces have been able to establish quite a successful coalition of several nationalist parties united for the sake of one com-mon goal, which is also an important factor. In the analysis, the author considers the parties from the “Together for Yes” coalition: the Democratic Convergence of Catalonia, the Democrats of Catalonia, the Republican Left of Catalonia and the Popular Unity Candidacy. The way to independence seems to be rather difficult and not obvious because of the disunity in the “Together for Yes” political coali-tion. The idea of unification still seems to be the right way to create a strong political power.DOI:

Author Biography

Юлия Фролова / Yulia Frolova, Saint-Peterburg State University

Graduate student of the Department of world politics


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How to Cite

Yulia Frolova Ю. Ф. /. (2018). Self-determination of Catalonia in programs of political parties. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (2), 169–178. Retrieved from