Spatial Peculiarities of internal political conflicts in the geopolit-ical region of pro-soviet Eastern Europe in 1985-1989: cases of Poland and Hungary


  • Эдгар Варданян / Edgar Vardanyan Saint Petersburg State University


olitical protest behavior, opposition, spatial features, geopolitical re-gion, pro-Soviet Eastern Europe, internal political conflict, historical factor


Тhe article examines the rise of citizens' political protest behavior in the second half of the 1980s and the response to it from the Communist authorities in the pro-Soviet Eastern European geopolitical region, particularly Poland and Hungary. The differences and parallels in similar processes in the two Warsaw Pact member countries are demonstrated based on the analysis of declassified documents. The author also identifies spatial peculiarities of internal political conflicts in Poland and Hungary in the pre-transition period. It is assumed that, generally, the actions of both the opposition and the authorities were largely determined by historical factors. The article shows possible connection between some features of the political protest behavior, reaction of the authorities and particular historical facts from Poland and Hungary experiences.DOI:

Author Biography

Эдгар Варданян / Edgar Vardanyan, Saint Petersburg State University

Postgraduate Student, Department of Regional Policy and Political Geography


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How to Cite

Edgar Vardanyan Э. В. /. (2018). Spatial Peculiarities of internal political conflicts in the geopolit-ical region of pro-soviet Eastern Europe in 1985-1989: cases of Poland and Hungary. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (2), 142–156. Retrieved from