The phenomenon of charismatic leadership in post-colonial Asia and Africa


  • Ольга Егорова / Olga Egorova Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Игорь Егоров / Igor Egorov Lomonosov Moscow State University


political leadership, Asian and African countries, post-colonial period, good governance, stable political system


The article analyzes the role and the importance of the phenomenon of charismatic leadership in Asia and Africa in the postcolonial period. Classical issues of politi-cal leadership became especially important in Asian and African countries in the initial period of independence from the metropoles, as there was no stable political system, and the political elites were weakened and had no significant influence. The paper considers the main challenges faced by charismatic leaders, and the fac-tors affecting the success of their solutions. The authors make the conclusion about the importance of the transition from the manual system of government manage-ment to management through political institutions.DOI:

Author Biographies

Ольга Егорова / Olga Egorova, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Associate Professor, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies

Игорь Егоров / Igor Egorov, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Master’s Student, Institute of Asian and African Studies


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How to Cite

Olga Egorova О. Е. /, & Igor Egorov И. Е. /. (2018). The phenomenon of charismatic leadership in post-colonial Asia and Africa. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (2), 132–141. Retrieved from