Political identities in social networks of the internet



network political identity, frontier, state, social networks, Internet


The article examines the role of political identities in social networks of the Internet. Based on the concept of the frontier, the author opposes the strict separation of online and offline policies and analyzes the formation of network political identities in terms of superimpositionof the process of the political segment’s virtualization and the oncoming process of the Internet’s socialization. Studying the transition of absentees to social communities along with the metamorphosis of the parties and parliamentary institutions, the author defines the modern state as an active designer of pro-government network political identities. The paper considers some of the mechanisms of constructing network identities. In the work, risks of network ma-nipulation and the phenomenon of the authoritarian political simulacrum aregiven particular consideration. The article also raises the issue of the variability of identity politics models under the parallel processes of democratization and archaization of network communities. For empirical evidence of conceptualizing the phenomenon of network political identity, the author refers to the data of his recent global study of politicization of social networksDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/2218-1067-2017-2-29-46

Author Biography

Сергей Федорченко / Sergey Fedorchenko, Moscow State Regional University

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Law


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How to Cite

Sergey Fedorchenko С. Ф. /. (2018). Political identities in social networks of the internet. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (2), 29–46. Retrieved from http://press.psu.ru/index.php/polit/article/view/1637