To Carl Schmitt’s theory of the partisan: partisan and the problem of decisionism


  • Михаил Остроменский / Michail Ostromenskij Administration of the Leninsky District of the City of Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk


Carl Schmitt, theory of the partisan, decisionism, sovereign, concept of the political, political and legal uncertainty, collaborator.


The author substantiates the hypothesis that the partisan as a socio-political phe-nomenon occurs when, in an uncertain political and legal situation, an individual solves the problem of decisionism for himself by starting an independent armed political struggle. A partisan as a private person takes a political decision of the level “jus gladii” – “the right of the sword” and “jus belli as pacis” – “the law of war and peace”, which is always a sovereign’s prerogative. The purpose of a parti-san’s struggle is his own desovereignization and return to the original pre-war state. The article also provides comparison of the partisan and the collaborator.DOI:

Author Biography

Михаил Остроменский / Michail Ostromenskij, Administration of the Leninsky District of the City of Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk

Head of the Department of Economic Development and Labor Relations


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How to Cite

Michail Ostromenskij М. О. /. (2018). To Carl Schmitt’s theory of the partisan: partisan and the problem of decisionism. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (2), 15–28. Retrieved from