The main ways of interpreting the phenomenon of transnational corporations in social sciences


  • Станислав Зайцев / Stanislav Zaytsev Saint Petersburg State University


transnational corporations, the state, globalization, business, political process


In the modern global world, transnational corporations play an important role in economic, social and political processes. The article is aimed at studying the main characteristics and activities of TNCs through the prism of various academic disciplines. Corporations have all the necessary resources to become important political actors at global and local levels. Attention is paid to the perspectives of studying the interaction between transnational corporations and the state. According to the author, the research in this area should be an important direction in political science. DOI:

Author Biography

Станислав Зайцев / Stanislav Zaytsev, Saint Petersburg State University

Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Political Science


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How to Cite

Stanislav Zaytsev С. З. /. (2018). The main ways of interpreting the phenomenon of transnational corporations in social sciences. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (4), 165–180. Retrieved from