Formation of the patrimonial context of the soviet bureaucracy in the etatist system of political management


  • Сергей Лугвин / Segey Lugvin Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel (Republic of Belarus)


government syncretism, nomenclature principle of management, patrimonial nature of the Soviet bureaucracy


The article examines the institutional genesis of the Soviet bureaucracy. It is noted that the processes of its formation took place against the background of the nationalization of society, syncretism of the government, refusal of the conventional rules of law, militarized nature of public service and the nomenclature principle of management. In the post-Stalin period, the development of the Soviet bureaucracy was characterized by the personnel stagnation and formation of the “shadow” economy in the sphere of public administration. The author concludes that the patrimonial nature of the Soviet bureaucracy was one of the reasons for the country’s failure to give an adequate response to the new challenges of the time and to implement a post-industrial modernization of the economy. DOI:

Author Biography

Сергей Лугвин / Segey Lugvin, Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel (Republic of Belarus)

Аssociate Professor, Department of Social Disciplines, Humanities and Legal Studies, Faculty of Economics


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How to Cite

Segey Lugvin С. Л. /. (2018). Formation of the patrimonial context of the soviet bureaucracy in the etatist system of political management. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (4), 95–109. Retrieved from