Internal structure of local legislatures: types of deputy groups (a case study of the Perm region)



representative bodies of local self-government, municipal deputies, deputy groups, profile of a deputy group


The paper analyzes the composition and internal structure of local legislatures (representative bodies of local self-government). The study is based on the materials from 11 cities and districts of the Perm region. The author demonstrates that the main actors of local politics organize the presence of their representatives in the deputy corps, which provides them with the desired level of control over the representative body of local government. Taking into account what actors are represented by the deputies in legislatures, the main types of deputy groups have been identified: groups representing the executive branch of local government, groups representing the local opposition, and groups representing big business. The paper provides characteristics of these groups and estimates their cohesion and stability. A typical profile of deputies representing each of the three groups is presented, with special attention to their motivational profile.DOI:

Author Biography

Татьяна Витковская / Tatyana Vitkovskaya, Perm Federal Research Center, Ural Branch of RAS

Research Fellow


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How to Cite

Tatyana Vitkovskaya Т. В. /. (2018). Internal structure of local legislatures: types of deputy groups (a case study of the Perm region). Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (4), 80–94. Retrieved from