Tatarstan begins and …? Language question in the identity politics of national republics in Russia


  • Елена Цумарова / Elena Tsumarova Petrozavodsk State University & North-West Institute of Management, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration


identity politics, federative contract, native languages, Tatarstan, national republics


The article analyzes the situation with studying native languages in national republics of Russia. The first part of the paper presents the theoretical basis of the study. The language issue is considered as a part of the identity policy pursued by regional actors aimed at forming "we-community" in order to legitimize the ruling elite. It is noted that the strategy of identity policy in the regions depends on the nature of the relationship between the center and the regions, as well as on the activities of the federal government to form a national identity. In the second  Russia is analyzed in the context of the development of federal relations and the process of national construction. The formation of the center-regions relations in the 1990s enabled the national republics to actively use the policy of identity to achieve their interests both within the region and in bargaining with the federal center for additional powers. The re-centralization of the Russian state, which took place in the 2000s, transformed the policy of identity in regions, the main purpose of which was to demonstrate loyalty to the central government. The return of direct gubernatorial elections in 2012 brought identity policy back to the regional agenda, allowing some of the national republics to use it again for bargaining with the center. Finally, the third part of the article analyzes the conflict over the language issue which began in the summer of 2017. On the one hand, the abolition of the compulsory study of the native language in national republics is seen as the attempt of the federal center to unilaterally revise the existing federal contract and to narrow the space for using the ethnic card by national elites. On the other hand, the current situation is presented as an opportunity for the political elites of the republics to activate the rhetoric of identity policy within and outside the region to defend their own interests.  DOI:

Author Biography

Елена Цумарова / Elena Tsumarova, Petrozavodsk State University & North-West Institute of Management, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Associate Professor, Department of World History; Associate Professor, Department of Comparative Political Studies


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How to Cite

Elena Tsumarova Е. Ц. /. (2018). Tatarstan begins and …? Language question in the identity politics of national republics in Russia. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (3), 103–119. Retrieved from