Consultative and advisory bodies in modern Russia: agency without autonomy?



consultative and advisory bodies, public councils, co-management, public administration, agency, interaction mechanism, the social systems theory approach, communicative constitution of organizations


In modern Russia, there is a strong claim of a set of extremely numerous and various consultative and advisory bodies for the agency. They discharge a consultative public function and join various members whose represent the society and are affiliated to the government directly or implicitly. The conceptual analysis of different approaches to the agency allows making inference about irrelevance interpretation of its links with autonomy in the case of consultative and advisory bodies. The article proposes a theoretical frame for analyzing of agency of consultative and advisory bodies. This theoretical frame bases on one of the schools in the communicative approach in the study of organizations ("communicative constitution of organizations"), which is associated with the name and heritage of Niklas Luhmann (the social systems theory approach). In accordance to this approach, a agency of consultative and advisory bodies is a performance for constituting, reproducing and possible changing its own statusand the associated scope and nature of the conditions and opportunities for existence and action. In empirical terms in modern Russia, the agency of the consultative and advisory bodies is situational, flickering and sporadic. The proposed conceptual perspective contributes to the academic discussion on the notion of agency in general and on specific new forms and varieties of agency and agents (actors) in the modern world. DOI:

Author Biography

Константин Сулимов / Konstantin Sulimov, Perm State University

Head of Political Science Department


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How to Cite

Konstantin Sulimov К. С. /. (2018). Consultative and advisory bodies in modern Russia: agency without autonomy?. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (3), 88–102. Retrieved from

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