Concerning the criminal state
legality, legitimacy, mythologeme, human rights, law-governed state, crime, criminal state, justiceAbstract
The article analyzes the concept of the criminal state and attempts to specify its inherent features. Considering the criminal state as the opposite of the law-governed state, the author formulates its working definition: the criminal state is a state with the illegitimate power, which issues unlawful norms contrary to the prevailing ideals of justice and binding for ordinary citizens only, and enforces them through the systematic violence. Thus, the specificity of the criminal state is represented by the distinctive anti-law nature of the state mechanism itself, when the authorities act as parts of an organized criminal community and can themselves be qualified as criminal organizations. The author identifies three main types of the criminal state: military nationalistic dictatorship, totalitarian ideocracy, and criminal ethnocratic regimes. In his opinion, the degradation of social and political institutions, leading to the anomie and archaization of society, the declaration of independence of newly formed states that do not have the historical experience of self-government, as well as the seizure of power by various paramilitaries, facilitate the emergence of the criminal state primarily. The conclusion of the article outlines the further ways of the study of the criminal state phenomenon, without which the concept may merely remain a publicistic topos. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2017-3-57-72References
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