Political communication in Herbert Schiller’s theory of information society


  • Игорь Гладков / Igor Gladkov Lomonosov Moscow State University


information society, political communication, information environment, capitalism, market relations, media infotainment


The article deals with the concept of the information society, as well as with various approaches to its definition. The role of political communication in the corporate political system according to the theory of Herbert Schiller is indicated. The characteristics and methods of implementing political communication in the contemporary capitalist society under the conditions of revolutionary transformations in the spheres of information and communication technologies of the second half of the 20th century are considered. Particular attention is paid to the myths of the capitalist society, spread through social institutions, and the tendencies that political communication experiences in connection with the active introduction of market principles into the information sphere of society. The transformation of the political sphere because of the inclusion of the mass media in a number of key political subjects is considered. The consequences of the convergence of the forms of political and commercial communication are analyzed. The paper also indicates threats to the basic principles of the democratic society from the privatization of the information space by media corporations, leveling the pluralism of the mass media, and from the turning of the mass media as a social institution into economic entities, primarily aimed at making profit. The results of analyzing Schiller’s theory of the information society are summed up, and the prospects of applicability of this theory for the analysis of the modern media system are outlined. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2017-3-14-24

Author Biography

Игорь Гладков / Igor Gladkov, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Philosophy


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How to Cite

Igor Gladkov И. Г. /. (2018). Political communication in Herbert Schiller’s theory of information society. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (3), 14–24. Retrieved from http://press.psu.ru/index.php/polit/article/view/1578