The reflection of the values of modern Russian society in social media
social media, public consciousness, political consciousness, values, orderAbstract
The paper considers the public and political role of modern social media. It focuses on studying social media influence on public and political consciousness. The study of the processes associated with the dissemination of public and political norms and values in contemporary social media is becoming one of the currently central lines of research concerning the political role of social media. The authors have studied the expression of such value as “order” in social media texts using content analysis. According to the studied texts, they state the pluralistic features and trends of the expression of the analyzed value because the texts contain an indication of different political ideologies and forms of government. Furthermore, the authors demonstrate personified features of its expression due to the frequent mention of concrete general actors (political leaders) in the processes of establishing order. It indicates the subject-oriented attitude of social media users to those processes. The authors conclude that the “order” value is perceived by the Russianspeaking audience of social media as universal (having a supranational character and significant for foreign countries as well). DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2017-3-5-13References
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