Religion and electoral behavior in Russia: regional dimension


  • Мария Ухватова / Maria Uhvatova National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg


voting behavior, religion and politics, religiosity


The paper analyzes regional diversity of the relationship between religiosity and the voting behavior in Russia in the 2010s. The existing studies of the Russian case demonstrate that there is a correlation to a certain extent; however, there are no studies focused on the regional level. The results of the statistical analysis based on a religious survey, conducted by the research group SREDA, show a correlation between religiosity and the outcome of the federal elections in 2011–2012. Religiosity is positively associated with voting for the party “United Russia” in 2011 and for Vladimir Putin in 2012. DOI:

Author Biography

Мария Ухватова / Maria Uhvatova, National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg

Postgraduate Student, Department of Political Science


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How to Cite

Maria Uhvatova М. У. /. (2018). Religion and electoral behavior in Russia: regional dimension. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (4), 26–48. Retrieved from