Efficiency, openness, multiplicity: media sustainability of the Eurasian Economic Union


  • Сергей Венидиктов / Sergey Venidiktov Mogilev Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus


Eurasian Economic Union, integration, mass media, media model, communication.


The paper considers information systems of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) states in terms of their correspondence to the basic principles of the functioning of an effective media communication system. General characteristics of Eurasian state-commercial, catching-up and paternalistic models are analyzed by the example of individual EAEU states in three directions: the general state of the media sphere, the economic component of the media, and the openness of the information space. The author concludes that the differences in the media models of the EAEU countries are not mutually exclusive, which creates prospects for coordinating the information and legal infrastructure of partner countries. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/2218-1067-2018-1-65-74

Author Biography

Сергей Венидиктов / Sergey Venidiktov, Mogilev Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus

Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Social Disciplines and Humanities


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How to Cite

Sergey Venidiktov С. В. /. (2018). Efficiency, openness, multiplicity: media sustainability of the Eurasian Economic Union. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (1), 65–74. Retrieved from http://press.psu.ru/index.php/polit/article/view/1552