«Traditional» and «Non-traditional» religious: positioning in the system of state-confessional relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan, state-confessional relations, religion, traditional religion, non-traditional religiosity, religious self-identification.Abstract
The article considers the specific features of the system of state-confessional relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. It displays the peculiarities of the confessional field, the position of Islam and Orthodoxy as key religions, as well as the principles of interaction of the state with the denominations operating in the country. In this context, the specificity of “traditional” and “non-traditional” religiosity, the criteria for its differentiation, the nature of the relationship with the state, and the prospects for further development of the dialogue of religions are analyzed. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/2218-1067-2018-1-55-64References
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