A comprehensive analysis of the stone equipment of the Chernushka site (excavation II, 2003)


  • E.L. Lychagina Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University
  • G.N. Poplevko Institute of History of Material Culture of Russian Academy of Sciences
  • T.A. Tsygvintseva Udmurt State University


archaeology, complex analysis, typological analysis, technological analysis, trasological analysis, the Kama Neolithic culture, stone equipment


The Chernushka site is located on the edge of a floodplain terrace on the left bank of the Kama river,14 metresabove the nowadays shoreline in the Chernushka village inPermregion (the Middle Urals). The complex related to theKamaNeolithic culture was revealed in the settlement during the research in 2003. The construction of large dwellings of earth-house-type of square form, ceramics ornamented with comb stamp, tools from tabular flint with bifacial processing were typical for theKamaNeolithic culture. Two radiocarbon dates have been obtained in calibration values at the Chernushka site that allows to date it back to the V millennium B.C. Quartz and flinty pebble, milk and gray flint were raw materials for stone items. Preforms for tools were prepared mainly by indirect percussion knapping and pressure knapping. Primary flakes were received by chipping with soft hammer and hammerstone. One nucleus was cone-shaped with negatives from shear blades, made by counterattack, blade knapping around. The edge of the platform was framed by abrasion and reduction. Tools made on small and medium blades dominate in the collection. Very few tools on blade-flakes and core-like chips were found at the site. As a result, two complexes of local economic are distinguished in the site: 1) processing of the products of hunting and fishing; 2) wood processing. Fixed technology is not typical for theKamaNeolithic culture which can be explained by several reasons: 1) the excavated materials present another archaeological culture (the Kama Mesolithic culture or the Volga-Kama Neolithic culture), and 2) the place was used for cutting production, in which blade-inserts played the leading role.

Author Biographies

E.L. Lychagina, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University

Candidate of Science in History, Associate Professor, Department of Ancient and Medieval History of Russia, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University (Russia)

G.N. Poplevko, Institute of History of Material Culture of Russian Academy of Sciences

Candidate of Science in History, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)

T.A. Tsygvintseva, Udmurt State University

Candidate of Science in History, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of History and Culture of Peoples of the Urals, Udmurt State University (Russia)


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How to Cite

Lychagina, E., Poplevko, G., & Tsygvintseva, T. (2020). A comprehensive analysis of the stone equipment of the Chernushka site (excavation II, 2003). PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 24(1), 15–27. Retrieved from http://press.psu.ru/index.php/history/article/view/3559